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Interior Designer vs Interior Decorator

May 11, 2023
white and brown living room set

An interior designer and an interior decorator are often thought of as interchangeable terms, but they actually have distinct differences.

An interior designer is a trained professional who has a formal education in design and often holds a license or certification. They are trained to analyze spaces, understand how people interact with them, and create functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing interiors that meet their clients' needs. Interior designers often work on a larger scale, overseeing the entire design process, from concept to construction.

On the other hand, an interior decorator is typically focused on the aesthetics of a space, including selecting and arranging furniture, accessories, and artwork. They do not have the same level of formal training as an interior designer but may have completed a certification or training program in decorating. Interior decorators work with clients to create a cohesive look and feel for a space that reflects their personal style.

It's important to note that many interior designers also offer decorating services. They will work with clients to select and arrange furniture, décor, and accessories to complete the overall design of a space. This means that hiring an interior designer for decorating services can provide the added benefit of a cohesive design vision, as well as the expertise to make sure the space is functional and meets the client's needs.